Hi, I'm Isha! I'm a first year PhD student at MIT CSAIL working on language models, generative AI, and machine learning. I'm lucky to be coadvised by Professor Yoon Kim and Professor Marzyeh Ghassemi. My PhD is funded by MIT's Great Educators Fellowship and the National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship.

I graduated from Harvard University in 2023 with a B.A. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. I worked in Professor Hima Lakkaraju's lab, AI4LIFE, and previously spent 1.5 years at IBM Research AI.

My work has been published at venues such as NeurIPS and has been awarded the ACM Cutler Bell Prize for Excellence in Computing, NCWIT Collegiate Award, and Davidson Fellowship, among others.

I'm very interested in natural language understanding / reasoning and interpretable / explainable AI techniques.

In college, I was lucky to serve as:
You can reach me at ishapuri@mit.edu or ishapuri@alumni.harvard.edu. I'd love to hear from you!

Curriculum Vitae: CV



Other Projects

  • DYSCERN - A Scalable, Freely Accessible Machine Learning Application for the Early Detection of Dyslexia
    Isha Puri and David Cox
    [Project Video + Demo]

Awards / Honors

  • MIT Great Educators Fellowship
    (MIT EECS)
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
  • Harvard Technology Innovation Fellow
    (Harvard Business School)
  • Kempner Institute Graduate Fellowship (6 years, fully funded PhD) (Declined)
    (Harvard University)
  • Gordon Wu Fellowship (5 year fellowship) (Declined)
    (Princeton University)
  • Derek Bok Award for Distinction in Teaching
    (Harvard University)
  • ACM Cutler Bell Prize for Excellence in Computing Research
    (Association of Computing Machinery) (4 selected nationwide)
  • Davidson Fellowship
    (Recognized by Forbes as “World’s Most Prestigious Undergraduate Scholarship”)
  • Donald and Kathleen Pfister Prize for Excellence in the Sciences
    (Harvard University)
  • ThermoFisher Scientific Collegiate Fellowship
    (6 chosen nationwide)
  • NCWIT Collegiate Prize
    (National Center for Women in Information Technology, 6 selected nationwide)
  • Coca Cola Scholarship
    (250 chosen from > 90,000 applications)
  • Forbes, 20 of America’s Brightest Students (2019)
  • Google Science Fair Global Finalist (20 worldwide)
  • Intel ISEF Grand Award Winner (2nd Place)
    (International Science and Engineering Fair 2018)
  • National Security Agency Mathematics Honor Award

Personal Things!

Outside of research, I:
  • play the harp! I've recently been getting into playing harp adaptions of Bollywood and Disney songs : )
  • love learning about history - when I was little, my parents thought I would grow up to be a historian. I can spend hours going down Wikipeida wormholes of famous historical figures or time periods - some of my favorites right now are the Gilded Age and the WWII Science Industrial Age
  • really enjoying taking social science courses - I took a course on the Psychology of Communication (and wrote a cool final research paper on human responses to GPT-generated humor) and Chinese Political Economics (some more cool papers I wrote!)
  • love late night comedy - I've seen several live tapings of every late night show except Trevor Noah, who I've seen on tour twice. My multiverse dream would be to intern for The Late Show, Last Week Tonight, or The Daily Show for a summer.
  • collect postcards! I've been assembling my treasured postcard wall since I was 15. It now has nearly 650 postcards - each inscribed with the date, a short story from the day, and signatures of who was there:)